Team Applications
Solo Applications
Workout Tracker
![GIF of burger app](animations/workoutApp.gif)
Description: This workout tracker application allows users to create and track daily workouts while logging multiple exercises per workout on any given day, enabling users to track the names, types, weights, sets, reps, and durations of their exercises.
Technologies Used: MongoDB, Mongoose, Morgan, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Heroku
Day-To-Day Planner
![GIF of Day-To-Day Planner](animations/schedule.gif)
Description: This application allows users to plan out their days, saving input to Local Storage so that users can leave the page and come back to double-check. The application is also color-coded so that users can see at a glance what times have passed and what's coming up!
Technologies Used: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Moment.js
README Generator
![GIF of README Generator](animations/readmeGen.gif)
Description: This CLI-based application can be used to auto-generate a file for users who just need to pump these out for all of their application building! The generated file will contain the following sections: title, license banner, description, table of contents, installation, usage, license, contributors, tests, and contacts information
Technologies Used: Node.js, JavaScript, Inquirer